Saturday, April 30, 2016

Burt's Bees #BringBackTheBees

Maybe you've taken notice lately that everyone seems to be getting on this vegan/cruelty-free kick lately. I think it's great, cruelty-free makeup is amazing. There is no reason that animals should suffer just so we can pretty up our faces, hair, etc.

The big question that was posed by a family member was this: Is Burt's Bees still cruelty-free now that it's owned by Clorox?

The answer? Yes. PETA is a wonderful organization and they do their homework when it comes to companies and their products. According to PETA, Burt's Bees is a cruelty-free company. It is not vegan, however. Most of the products contain bee's wax, explaining why it isn't vegan.

Burt's Bees

Things that made me smile: lip balm, lip shimmer, lip crayon, face wash, "Recycle On Us", #BringBackTheBees

  • I have been a sucker for BB's lip balm (chapstick) for years now. I love them. They moisturize my lips and are the only chapstick I'll use. Now they even come in more scents!
  • Lip shimmers are not my favorite things in the world, if I'm being honest. But I do love BB's lip shimmer. It's such a nice touch if you want to spruce up while your out. It's great for purses since it's so small it can fit in that little zip pocket on the inside of most purses. 
  • Something that has been making me giggle for a while is lip crayons. Whenever I use them I can't help but feel like a kid again trying desperately to draw inside the lines! I've tried a few and fell in love with some. But hands down I love BB's lip crayon the most! 
  • Having super sensitive skin is a curse. No matter how well you take care of your skin you will ALWAYS fight break outs for NO reason but your skin got angry. I have a hard time finding a good deep cleansing face wash, but I found one that works well with my skin! I use the Peach & Willow Bark deep pore scrub. This product is great for my skin. I use it about once every week-2 weeks (like I said, sensitive skin). You do have to watch out, though, you can over-scrub pretty easily with this wash.
  • The company now has an option to recycle certain approved containers. Lip balm containers and shimmer containers, I know for sure, are approved and will be recycled by the company. Just follow the instructions on the website and you can help the environment! Recycle On Us
  • #BringBackTheBees, I love this! BB's decided it's time to deal with the fact that bees are dying out. Check out their website to find out more about their awesome movement! #BringBackTheBees

Things that made me frown: Clorox, shampoo/conditioner

  • I was sad to find out that the company had been sold to Clorox. It does seem that Clorox has taken it upon themselves to not only keep the company cruelty-free but also wants to boost the company. Clorox is not a vegan company and is not known for being cruelty-free. So I'm very leery about the company now. (I keep checking PETA's list of approved companies to make sure BB is still on it.)
  • With thin hair that LOVES to get super oily I am always on the lookout for good shampoo that helps keep the oil down a bit and helps my hair look voluminous. When I found out that BB's had shampoo/conditioner I got super excited. My hair did fine for about 2 weeks, but after... not so much. Just not happy with the overall feel of my hair and scalp after a while of use.

Over All: Super happy!
  •  As a whole, I love this company. There are plenty of products I didn't include because this was becoming a bit too long of a post. (I may do individual reviews at a later date!) This company is simple, and the initiatives that it's taken as of late to better the environment and the company itself shows great and promising signs.  I'm all for this company!

Score: 10 out of 10

Side Note: If cruelty free is important to you and aren't too sure if a company is cruelty free go to Beauty Without Bunnies to check out that company. The majority of large companies are on this list and you'll be able to find out if it's cruelty free, vegan, etc. The majority of my research for my own collection of cosmetics/personal care starts right there!

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