Friday, April 22, 2016

Pearl Bath Bombs- Bath BOMBS?! Part 3

The last in my little three part series is Pearl Bath Bombs. This is a company I had seen all over my Facebook feed via friends sharing the awesome demo videos from the company. Much like the Fragrant Jewels videos I had seen.

Pearl Bath Bombs
  • I bought 2 bath bomb, Strawberries and Champagne ($14.94) and Mermaid Goddess ($16.99).
  • Before I get into the Smiles and Frowns I want to say that I haven't been so pleased with a company in a very long time. I have a hard time being satisfied with most to all aspects of a company. With Pearl Bath Bombs, I have had a wonderful experience. 
Like my fancy editing? These lovely rings were inside the bath bombs. Super pretty!

 This is the Strawberries and Champagne bomb. Fantastic smell!

Sea Goddess in use. It smelled SO good I can't get over it!

Things that made me smile: customer service, shipping, website, scent
  • The customer service I received when contacting this company was outstanding. Simply one of the best experiences I have received from a company in a long time. After my bad experience with Fragrant Jewels I contacted Pearl Bath Bombs and inquired about their shipping. Not only were they far more straight forward, the person helping me did a bit of a quick calculation for me and informed me of a rough estimate of how long it would take the package to get to me once in transit. I contacted them a second time with interest on where to leave reviews on their website and I was given the answer promptly and professionally. 
  • Shipping! The one thing that can ruin an order for anyone. The shipping policy for this company is much better than Fragrant Jewels. Not only do they take much less time to ready a package, they ship it through much faster means. All in all, it took roughly 2 days to ship out my package, once the order was placed, and the a week for it to arrive. I am very pleased with Pearl's shipping policies and practices.
  • Websites can get messy and jumbled. We've all seen them and you know it. The website for Pearl Bath Bombs, to me, is crisp, professional, and clean. I love the look of it and how easy it is to navigate around it. There isn't a direct way to find their shipping policy but if you go to the bottom of the homepage and click FAQ at the bottom of this page will be an entire shipping section of the FAQ and all your questions will be answered. Great website!
  • I had one of the WORST days ever the other day. I had too many errands to run and encountered WAY too many people that were just cranky... When I got home I was so tired I almost didn't even want to get the mail even though I knew I had a Pearl Bath Bomb waiting for me. I got the mail anyway and walked right to the bathroom, started the water, and lit my FAVORITE candle. I used the Strawberries and Champagne bath bomb and I kid you not, I have not had a better bath ever. I got to relax after a super stressful day and I almost fell asleep in the tub! That's how relaxed I got! I would advise everyone to give Strawberries and Champagne bath bomb a try!
 Things that made me frown (kinda?): selection, price
  • The one thing I wasn't thrilled with was their selection. There just isn't a wide selection to choose from as far as scent goes. BUT a redeeming factor is that they have bundles you can buy that are not for special occasions; you can buy a 3 pack of a scent if you want any time of the year. So, they made up for lack of selection by adding bundle options.
  • Pearl Bath Bombs have bombs at ranging prices. The prices range from $16.99 down to $14.94. Honestly, this isn't a frown so much as an "aw shucks". I grew up where if you can save money on an item by getting it elsewhere, you did. But, I love this company so much I don't care!

Over All: Super Happy!
  •  I love this company. Their shipping is standard (1 week roughly and I'm in Alaska!), customer service is out of this world, and I love the products. Definitely a return customer here!
Score: 10 out of 10!

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