Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Fragrant Jewels Review- Bath BOMBS?! Part 2

The first company I ordered from, and subsequently the company I had the most issues with, was Fragrant Jewels. Looking at their website and seeing the wide variety of smells and products I was initially impressed. The candles looked pretty and of course I was drawn to the bath bombs. So with such a good first impression how could I be so unhappy with them? Well, here's my review.

Fragrant Jewels
  • Fragrant Jewels has a wide variety of bath bombs. Each bomb is $14.95. I had a hard time picking just a couple. I initially picked three:  Tranquility-Lavender, Revive-Grapefruit, and Unwind-White Tea. I added one more bath bomb, Midnight Garden-Jasmine, when I got the offer of free shipping with any purchase over $50. In total I ordered 4 bath bombs.

Things that made me smile: ring, variety, well known, smell, quantity
  • RING! I am a sucker for rings. They're my favorite piece of jewelry! When I received my package (finally...) and got to use one of the bath bombs I fell in love with the ring. I thought I was going to get one of the, well, ugly rings I had seen on other reviews and such. I was so happy to find it the opposite. The clear pod sprang up to the surface of the bath to reveal a beautiful green jeweled ring. Now looking at it I knew this was a $10 ring at most (and I was right) but I don't care. It's so beautiful. I can't wait to see what the others are. (Plus when you order from Fragrant Jewels you can pick your ring size!)
  • Variety, boy oh boy! Of the companies that I have tried, Fragrant Jewels is up at the top when it comes to variety. From grapefruit to cotton candy there are so many option it could take a while to get bored.
  • The company as a whole is pretty well known. They are all over Facebook and there a good number of review videos on YouTube. I prefer buying from more well known online companies.
  • So let me give you some backstory. I really wanted the grapefruit scented bomb. I mean I really wanted it. So when my package finally arrive I was SUPER impressed! I opened my mailbox and found the package inside. MY MAILBOX SMELLED LIKE GRAPEFRUIT! So needless to say once I put the bomb in the water my entire house smelled like grapefruit. I am so very happy with this one bath bomb. (The others don't smell as potent but they are pretty smelling nonetheless.)
  • Quantity: this is going to be a loos interpretation of the word. Comparing the size of these bombs to that of Fresh Rain, there isn't much size difference. Actually there is less considering there is a capsule inside the Fragrant Jewels one, meaning less product. But, it fizzes much slower and need much less to color, disperse, and fizz than Fresh Rain. I would bet you could get at LEAST 2 uses out of one bomb if you broke it in half.
Things that made me frown (a lot): shipping, customer service, website
  • My biggest issue with this company is that they border on falsely advertising shipping. When you look at the checkout page and pick your shipping option you generally assume the days stated mean time in transit. Example: 3-7 business days, most would take this as meaning the package will take 3-7 business days to arrive at my home. This is the option for free shipping. I picked it and waited for my package. 7 business days later no package. I was concerned and looked at the tracking number. It was in Washington... why? I contacted the company and they told me that the 3-7 business days meant how long it takes for the package to leave their warehouse... I went to the website and found that there isn't an easy way to click on shipping information. It's in their FAQ section and it's poorly organized to boot. (This is honestly a whole story/review in it's own. I might elaborate more later or in a video.) All in all it took over 2 weeks to get to my home. Very unhappy with this whole ordeal.
  • Customer service is something everyone has to deal with at some point in their life. My job was customer service for 4 years! Trust me, I get that it gets old and some days you just CAN'T paint on that happy face and be UBER nice to people. That's why I don't expect that when I deal with anyone's customer service associate. I get it. What I do expect, however, is the service I would give someone. I would not tell them they were wrong when they told me the tracking number my company sent them. I would not be rude right out the gate. I would not make the experience terrible for the customer that misunderstood the horrible shipping policy my company decided on. Instead of trying to sympathize and explain, nicely, what I misread/misunderstood, they just told me I was wrong and that there isn't anything to be done.
  • Website... I hate it when websites have important information that is HIDDEN somewhere in a non-easily accessible section of the website. It isn't that hard to put a "shipping" section on your website. I really don't like it when it's hidden in the FAQ portion of the website. In the case of this company it's poorly written/organized how they explain shipping. And then to be cryptic in how they advertise shipping on the checkout page... Not impressed at all.

Overall feeling
  • I like the product. I'm impressed with the one bath bomb I really wanted. I got a beautiful ring. But honestly, I wouldn't make buying from this company a habit. For one, they are $14.95 each. When I have the option to buy ones I already love for only $4 a piece it seems like a ripoff to order one from Fragrant Jewels AND have to pay shipping as well. The company has not impressed me with their service and I find the way they advertise their shipping on the main parts of their page bordering on false advertising.
Score: 3 out of 10
  • Reasoning: I liked the smell of the grapefruit one I really wanted. I liked the ring. That's all. I ordered 4 and was not impressed, per say, by the other 3 I ordered. I was let down by the company on service and shipping standards. And as I have stated many times already, I GREATLY disagree with their advertisement methods pertaining to shipping. I probably won't be ordering from this company again.

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